first of many

As some of you may have guessed from the title, this blog will be centered around wargames, war, games, and the gaming of war, more specifically the wargames set in the Warhammer fantasy battles and Warhammer 40,000 universes designed and produced by Games Workshop. a lot of what I will be writing about will be their property and more details about their products can be found at their website I guess what I’m trying to say in no uncertain terms is….. don’t sue me.

Now that that’s out of the way, I made this blog to share the fun side of my hobby with the world. By that I mean that this blog wont feature articles on how to make unbreakable armies or legally bend the rules in your favour or any of that meta-game nonsense. What it will feature is short stories, battle reports, Warhammer fantasy and Warhammer 40k campaigns, tips on running your own campaigns and how we run ours, photos of the armies we use and how we painted them, terrain building tutorials and all the other random things that I think will help (or more importantly entertain) other wargamers.

“but who are you?” I hear you ask……you weren’t asking that? well this is awkward. ill tell you anyway, my names Tim, I’m 25 and live in jolly old Engerland (britain), I play Warhammer whenever I get the chance, in a custom battle shed which was built by my dad (who also plays) and myself. its pretty bitchin I’ll be honest. I’m pretty good at painting and not nearly as good at actually winning battles. we have a few regular players who will be featured in this blog quite often. most of them are new players so you might notice us making mistakes so feel free to comment about what we should have done in that situation etc, I do however reserve the right to completely ignore you if your comment is a) stupid b)primarily composed of a list of my gramatical errors or c)both.

That should do for an intro and ill post whenever I think I have something worth saying. thanks for taking the time to read this and let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like me to blog about.

One comment on “first of many

  1. Joe Frost says:

    Set your stall out nicely there Timbo. Shall look forward to reading about your gaming yarns and admiring your crafting skills. 🙂

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